Monday, February 23, 2009

RHCC newsletter

Below is the latest newsletter from the RHCC, Raasay House community Company, who are our landlords.

News letter February 2009.

Since the fire on 18th January, the board of Raasay House community Company has been working with Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Raasay Outdoor Centre and the contractors, ROK, to ensure a future for Raasay House. The situation is very complicated, but the board is determined that Raasay House will be rebuilt with the aim of leasing it to Raasay Outdoor Centre, as originally planned.

The House
We have recieved a prelimanary structural report on what remains of the House, which shows that it requires a considerable amount of structural work, including dismantling some areas to make it safe to enter. Approximately three quaters of the house has been left roofless and it has now been fenced off the the public and site security has been implemented. Listed building consent has been applied for to allow structural work to go ahead.

Forensic investigations inside the house cannot take place until this work is complete, but the police advise us that as far as they are concerned there are no suspicious circumsatnces. Once remaing parts of the building have been supported, discussions will take place with insurers and Hostoric Scotland to identify the way forward. Planning permission will then be sought and rebuilding will take place. We hope that it will be possible to use at least the facade of the original building.

HIE has made it clear that they intend to support Raasay House Community Company throughout the long process ahead. The HIE baord met the day after the fire and discussed it at length. Willie Roe, Chair of HIE, visited the island the week after the fire and met with representatives of RHCC and ROC to reassure them that HIE would help in whatever way thye could. HIE will remain as developers for RHCC throughout, but RHCC will ensure that it is consulted and involved at all stages.

Raasay Outdoor Centre
RHCC's top priority is to ensure that the rebuilding project sticks to a realisitic timeframe, to ensure that ROC has a building in which to base itself as soon as possible. In the meantime the board will assist ROC by leasing the new building on the north drive which wasundamaged by the fire and is now nearing completion. It provides showers, toilets, office, workshop and storage space and it is hoped that Raasay Outdoor Centre wil be able to make good use of it to help keep their business running during the time the house is rebuilt.

Site Security
The grounds around Raasay House, including the Walled Garden, are part of a secure site. Members of the public are not permitted within the sealed off area for health and safety and security reasons. We would be very grateful if all residents and visitors to the island would keep away from the site.

The board of RHCC would like to thank everybody for the many messages of sympathy and support recieved after the fire. They would also like to thank those who have given practical help, particularly Raasay Fire Brigade who did such a good job in difficult circumstances.
An AGM is planned towards the end of March which will also serve as a public meeting to give more information on progress and plans.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Raasay House Phoenix Fund

We are still reeling from the fire which has devastated Raasay House and destroyed most of the interior of this historic building. As many of you know, Raasay House had recently been bought by the Raasay Community and was nearing the end of a 4 million pound refurbishment project that had transformed the old mansion. The big house had been transformed with new bathrooms, en suite rooms, full central heating, new kitchens, bedrooms, public rooms and office space. It was due to reopen in April 2009 as a spectacular venue for outdoor education, activities, holidays, special events and conferences.

One part of the project which escaped the flames was a new website which we have decided to launch soon anyway. During the difficult times ahead it will serve as a reminder of what is an amazing place Raasay House and the wonderful Raasay experiences that we planned to offer in the future.

What will happen now? It is very early days and there are many hurdles to overcome but this tragedy is bringing the community together in a fantastic spirit of determination and resilience:

  • Raasay House will be rebuilt. HIE, the builders ROK, and the Raasay House Community Company are committed to overcoming this massive setback and rebuilding the house
  • We want to find a way of operating on a temporary basis this season so that as many as possible of the people who have made bookings with us for holidays, school groups, special events and parties can still enjoy the Raasay House experience
  • We are sorting out the logistics of how this could work and will give you more details as soon as possible
  • Keep up to date by visiting the website and our blog

  • What can you do to help?

    We are in urgent need of immediate financial assistance to help us keep on operating until the house is rebuilt by our landlords; the RHCC (Raasay House Community Company).

    We have set up an on-line donation system for any of you who would like to support us. If you would like to contribute to the Raasay House Phoenix Fund, please click on the link below, or you can send any donations via post to Raasay House, please make any cheques payable to Raasay House Phoenix Fund.

    Any amount, however small, will help to safeguard the future of the business within Raasay House.

    A big thank you to everyone who has already donated to the Raasay House Phoenix fund, you don't know how much your support means to the island, the house and the business.

    If you are able to offer practical assistance of any kind, please send us an email at .


    The Raasay House Team.